"Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 1)"
Why We Need to Be Aware of Them
Given 06-May-06; Sermon #773; 74 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh insists that God holds mankind responsible for knowing about Him and His divine attributes. Moral and spiritual deterioration begins when one does not live up to what he knows to be right. Deep within every human being is a consciousness of God based upon the public revelation of creation as well as the spirit of man—a basic conscience as a guide—not limited to converted people. Conscience, unfortunately, is always subject to education combined with what we choose to believe. The United States is plunging into a cesspool of immorality despite a so-called 'new-paradigm church,' 'emerging church' or 'outcome based religion' which is based on Satan's Gnostic education, stealing the name 'Christian,' while systematically rejecting God's truth. The truth is unacceptable to human nature. Unity cannot be achieved because of the problems of sin that drives all to seek their own way. The whole world, by rejecting the knowledge of God, is spurning God's gift of unity. It has been that way from the beginning when Adam and Eve didn't believe God enough to submit to Him. The human heart is incredibly sick; we desperately need a savior.
Topics: Alleethees, Allethenos, Awareness of God, William Barclay, Confusion, Conscience, Creator, Creation, Conviction, Cultural changes, Divisions, Disunity, Education, Emerging church, Gnosticism, Human nature, Ignorance, Knowledge, Language differences, Light bringer, Light, Little flock, Knowledge, Outcome-based religion, Paradigm shift, Patterns, Post-Christian era, Purpose-driven religion, Rejection of truth, Religious fervor, Responsibility, Salvation, Selfishness, Sin, Spirit of man, Spiritual schizophrenic, Thousand visions' of God, Truth, Unity
"Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 2)"
Men's Estimation of Themselves
Given 03-Jun-06; Sermon #777; 74 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh warns about the dangers of the emerging, new paradigm, purpose driven, outcome-based churches. The fourth descriptor was borrowed from a movement in modern education, emphasizing that the ends justify the means, glorifying political correctness, tolerance for all manner of perversion, and relativistic human philosophy. People who have embraced these concepts are oblivious to their obligations to Almighty God, but instead have been enticed to return to the rudiments of this world, based upon Satanic demon worship, leading us away from a wholesome relationship with Christ and into a pragmatic compromising with sin. We have an obligation to strive for the faith once delivered, continually yielding to the sound scriptural doctrine and to the leadership of Christ. The purpose driven church derives its momentum from human psychology and modern marketing efforts rather than upon God's calling and His truth. The emerging church, not wanting to alienate anybody, has turned its back on sound biblical doctrine, becoming a social, religious, do-good institution, embracing flawed human reason as its only moral barometer.
Topics: Absolutes Atheist Barna surveys Blasphemy Compromise Content Da Vinci Code Demonism Drucker, Peter Education Effort Emotional manipulating "Feel good" Fiction Human reason Income Israelites Knowledge of God Legalism Liberalism Logic Marketing Marx, Debbi New paradigm church Observation Osteen, Joel Outcome based religion Marketing efforts Pattern Poison pablum Pragmatism Purpose driven church Relationship with God Routine Rudiments of the world Speculation Spirituality Thanksgiving Weak and beggarly elements Unity Your God is Too Small
"Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 3)"
Its Sin is Idolatry
Given 17-Jun-06; Sermon #780; 67 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh, reflecting on Psalm 50:21-22, suggests that the new paradigm or outcome based religion has reconfigured God into something that He is not, something far inferior to God's nature, leading to degenerate behavior on the part of the worshipper, promoting the shameless "feel good" indulgence of the flesh, exalting carnality and human nature while shamelessly rejecting God's truth. Outcome based religion promotes death because it rejects God's correction. Its thinking is that God is altogether like us. Outcome based religion exalts numerical growth and feeling good over the truth of God, promoting the use of modern psychology and general systems theories over biblical doctrine. This religion, like historical Gnosticism, uses familiar religious terminology, but with totally different meanings or points of reference. The foundational sin of the purpose driven church is idolatry, rejecting any doctrine which threatens their growth or unity. This practice seems right to them, but we must remember that Satan's modus operandi is based on deception. Much of the thrust of their approach is to appeal to feelings. Satan‚s pattern of destruction consists of infiltration from within and distraction from without.
Topics: Apostasy Balaam Barna surveys Constantine Doctrines of demons Experiencing God Feel good Godly faith Gnosticism Idolatry Kabbala Messiah Molten calf New paradigm religion Outcome based religion Pride Psychology Reconfiguring God Roman Catholic Church Saddleback Community Church Satan's Modus Operandi Spiritual fornication Spiritual nakedness Warren, Rick Worldly culture.
"Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 4)"
Not Built On The Sayings Of Jesus Christ
Given 08-Jul-06; Sermon #783; 81 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh, reflecting on Isaiah 53:2-3, reminds us that as Jesus had no form or comeliness that people would desire. Likewise, His spiritual called-out church would also be not attractive in the sight of men, but rich in faith. But outcome-based religion looks to their vast numbers for their outward sign of success, believing that the ends justify the means, and throws out or waters down any doctrine that interferes with their growth and unity. In making rapid growth the standard of success, they have elevated fellowship above the value of truth; they have forsaken the superiority of correct doctrine in favor of community. Outcome based churches measure their success by their spectacular growth and intense media coverage. Doctrinally and philosophically they are way off base, drifting toward secularization, discarding any tenet or doctrine that would cause offense to anyone, expressing tolerance to all manner of aberrations. Because they throw out the doctrine of Christ and refuse to sanctify Him as Lord, the outcome-based churches are drifting hopelessly into error, advocating a new form of polytheism, in which individual members try to fashion their own image of God. Outcome based religions, even though they use Christian terminology and quote scripture, are not basing their lives on the sayings or doctrines of Christ, but from Gnosticism, pop-psychology, pop-philosophy business gurus, and the occult, actually placing their members precariously close to demon influences.
Topics: Apostadi Apostasy Beast Caleb Commotion Community Doctrine Dominick, Mack End does not justify the means Ephesians Experience God False prophet Fuller Theological Seminary Fundamentalist Gilly, Gary Gnostic Roots to Occult Revival Graham, Billy Heart Jones, Allen Joshua Kjos, Berit Little leaven New paradigm church Tolerance Pedigree Picture puzzle Polytheism Purpose Driven Church Redefined terms Sanctify Scluter, Ingrid This Little Church went to Market Tolerance Warren, Rick.
"Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 5)"
Tolerance And Conspiracies
Given 29-Jul-06; Sermon #786; 72 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh, continuing the series on purpose driven churches, asserts that these congregations are experiencing exponential growth because of their seeming tolerance for any belief including satanic occult practices, promoting a dangerous polytheism. These churches would sacrifice any doctrine if it stands in the way of growth. Because of this tolerance, they assert that all 'truths' are equal, including occult practices and idolatry. The teachings of worldly philosophers and religions are placed on equal footing as the teachings of Jesus Christ. The purpose driven churches use the same terminology as God's truth, but with totally different meanings. We need to be careful about their terminology, especially the terms unity, solidarity, and community. Both the Old and New Testaments are replete with examples of conspiracy. It would appear that the 'tolerant' purpose driven churches have as their goal a conspiracy against religious fundamentalism.
Topics: Churchianity, Communication, Compromise, Conspiracy, Conspire, New Age, New World Order, Occultism, Outcome-based Religion, Plan, Plot, Purpose Driven church, Saddleback Community Church, Self-discovery, Spirit, Terminology, Tolerance, Rick Warren, Wicca.
"Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 6)"
Conspiracies: Ancient and Modern
Given 26-Aug-06; Sermon #790; 67 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh, continuing his series on Purpose driven churches, mentions that the truth of God is sacrificed as they claim to accept all 'truth' as equal. The Purpose driven church uses the same terminology with the true church, but totally skewed to fit their purposes. Members of these churches follow the lead of Satan, their spiritual father. Satan is so determined to destroy that he will enter into a conspiracy with anybody in order to destroy mankind. Satan could not destroy anybody unless God allowed it. We need to be aware of God's involvement in these episodes. Most of those involved in the One World Order belong to the same clubs, such as the Illuminati, the Scull and Bones Society, among many others. They believe they will be spared. The building of the tower of Babel was a conspiracy to create a one world order without God. The prophecies about the successive empires in Daniel and Revelation show the conspiracies in the end time. The Purpose driven churches at the end time will have joined in this world conspiracy joining with the world's churches, and making no attempt to come out of the world.
Topics: Anti-Christ, Buddhism, Conspiracy theories, Gorbachov, Islam, Job, Koran, Leadrship, Liar, Purpose Driven Churches, Terminology, Tolerance, Trying of spirits, Unity, United States.
"Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 7)"
How They Fit Into End Time Events
Given 09-Sep-06; Sermon #792; 79 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh, reflecting on Matthew 24, warns us to remain vigilant in the midst of heresy, false prophets, earthquakes, and signs in the heavens. Jesus tells His followers not to sleep, reminding them that disastrous events occurring in the world are going to intensify and wear out the saints. The Purpose Driven Church will be a major player trying to take us in the wrong direction. Groups such as the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem have used God's Holy Days for their own purpose. Herbert W. Armstrong studied a great deal into conspiracy theories, including education, media, and U S Government conspiracies. It was the midst of the 1800s, that the one-world buds started to sprout across the world. God condemns Judah and Israel and promises to send inept leaders, making unwise executive orders, partitioning the America into ten regions subject only to the president. As we become absorbed into these regions, we will lose our sovereignty, our currency, and our very identity as a people.
Topics: Anti-Christ, Atlantis, Dominionists, Educational conspiracies, Elite, Fascist government, John Kennedy, NAFTA, New Atlantis, One world conspiracy, Outcome—based relation, Purpose-Based Religion, Rick Warren, Sir Francis Bacon, International Christian Embassy In Jerusalem, United Nations, Western Europe.
"Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 8)"
Trumpets, The End Times, and Conviction
Given 23-Sep-06; Sermon #794B; 78 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh quotes several notable figures who spoke about a New World Order which would be ushered in to allegedly 'stabilize' a defunct order out of control. The New World Order will face oblivion as events of the Feast of Trumpets unfold. The blowing of trumpets symbolizes alarm, the morning and evening prayers of the saints, a memorial of some great event, and the calling of assembly. We are to be warned by the current events as though they were actual trumpet blasts. 6000 years have shown that mankind cannot govern itself. Satan is trying to destroy modern Israel. The greater Church of God (as well with Fundamental churches) is clearly not in sync with the agenda of the New World Order and will be a target of the Beast, standing out like the proverbial sore thumb. We need to have our commitment and conviction anchored in God's law. God has to know whether we will be loyal. The tests we are going through now are working to prepare us for God's kingdom.
Topics: Chisholm, Brock Goldwater, Barry Kissinger, Henry Rockefeller, David Warren, Rick.