Commentary: A Government To Fear (Part Two)
The Decline of America's Courts
John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 26-Apr-14; Sermon #1210c; 12 minutes
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John Ritenbaugh, continuing his commentary entitled "A Government to Fear," reiterates that the secular-progressives have had great success demanding that the civil courts rebuke people acting on matters of conscience, while at the same time they are destroying school prayer, removing replicas of the Ten Commandments from public institutions, enforcing abortion (murder), feminism, homosexuality, and lesbianism with a defiant, cavalier, in-your-face haughtiness, claiming that the doctrines of the Bible are out of date. The 'religious' communities of America are so hopelessly biblically ignorant that they have learned to tolerate wickedness and immorality, accepting it as a norm, putting a stamp of approval of an Executive and Congress which lie as a way of life." Today, our courts have tilted away from the concept of equal justice before the law to a tyrannical jurisprudence which endorses and enforces wickedness and immorality.
Abortion ACLU Biblical ignoramuses Feminism Founding fathers Government to fear Jay Leno Lesbian and Gay movement Liberal courts Loss of liberties Lying Matters of conscience No comforter Presidential approval rating School prayer Secular progressives Ten Commandments