Father-Son Relationship (Part 7)
The Lord Is The Spirit
Given 10-Dec-05; Sermon #750; 75 minutes
By Mr. John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description:In this seventh installment of the Father-Son Relationship series, discussing the Holy Spirit and the Trinity, John Ritenbaugh reiterates that the Holy Spirit is never venerated as a separate being (Revelation 22:1-3, John 10:30, John 17:3). Spirit (ruach-Hebrew or pneuma-Greek), something never seen, is manifested or personified in many diverse ways such as truth, adoption, anger, courage, grace, faith, (states of mind or emotion, character, or personality) etc. In every instance it is preceded by the words "spirit of." Spirit applies to an invisible force or power within man or beast or angelic being making them unique. Our hope of glory is the "indwelling of Christ" and is used interchangeably with "Spirit of God" and "Spirit of Truth." Jesus promised a spirit of power from on high made available for His disciples (as diverse spiritual gifts) to witness of Him. The Holy Spirit, as a force or power dwelling in us, enables us to keep God's law and to receive our new nature. Pneuma and ruach represent that invisible power applied in many diverse ways manifesting in us the power of God making it possible to have an intimate family relationship with God the Father and our Elder Brother Jesus Christ, perfectly unified in purpose and composition, analogous to the relationship of husband and wife—at one in a family relationship. Ruach Ha Kodesh or Pneuma Hagion (Christ in us) provides the metaphoric glue to make this cleavage possible - making our God-family relationship manifest.
Topics:Abba, Father, Abandon the flesh, Action, Advocate, Animal spirit, Another comforter, Beast, Begettal, Born again, Bullinger, Character, Cleave (stick to), Comforter, Courage, Electricity, Faith, Fluttering, Force, God is Spirit, Helper, Holy Spirit, Hope, Hypostasis, Indwelling of spirit, Intercession of spirit, Invisible force, Invisible power, Jesus in you, the hope of glory, Knowledge, Living word of God, Oneness issue, Paraclete, Pneuma, Power, Qualities, Relationship with God, Ruach, Saul, Spirit, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of man, Spirit of truth, Spirit that proceeds from Christ, Spiritual gifts, Temperament, Tongues (languages), Trinity, Understanding, Word of God, Word of wisdom, Worship in spirit and truth.