Father-Son Relationship (Part 1)
The Bible Defines God's Nature
Given 19-Jun-05; Sermon #725B; 71 minutes
By Mr. John W. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:John Ritenbaugh, focusing upon I Corinthians 4:6, examines the contexts in which human reason has been misapplied to God's nature. The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that there is scant biblical evidence for a trinity, but that it is "substantiated" by "Christological speculation" only. This fallacious doctrine claims there are three co-equal Beings in the God-Head. Yet, A.E. Knoch in Christ as Deity, drawing more closely on Scripture, affirms that the Father is the source of everything, and the Son is the channel through which He carries out His purpose. By His own words, Christ asserts that the Father is superior to Him (though They are one in purpose and mind). Christ is the only means through which we can receive the knowledge of God, revealing the image, mind, purpose, and character of the invisible, immortal Father. As the Son projects the image of the Father, God wants to fill the entire universe with images that conform to the Son.
Topics:Absolute Authority Deity A. E.Knoch Anthropopathia Bullinger Christ as Deity Christ the Revelator Christological speculation George Washington God the Father God's feelings Human reason Idolatry Image of Caesar Image of the invisible God Mary worship One with the Father Shadow of things to come "Spitting image" Transcendence of God Trinity doctrine
Father-Son Relationship (Part 2)
The Word and Form of God
Given 25-Jun-05; Sermon #726; 69 minutes
By Mr. John W. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:John Ritenbaugh, refuting the fallacious Trinity doctrine, reiterates that Christ Himself asserted the superiority of the Father as the One True God. Jesus serves as the revelator, channel, and the image of the great God, providing the only means through which we have access to Him. John expresses that Jesus has continued to serve as the Revelator of the Father, having been identified as the God of the Old Testament. The pronoun with in John 1:1 actually should be translated toward, as in "toward God." The Word was the same Being as Yahweh, Adonay, or El Shaddai in the Old Testament. Christ demonstrated His power to take on the outward appearance of a variety of human forms, including that of a slave, divesting Himself of the prerogatives of His identity as the God of the Old Testament. We are obligated to follow His example of humility, working out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Topics:Absolute Deity, Bondsman, Bond Servant, Duolos, Emmanuel, External form, Deity, Form of God, God-Head, High priest, Hypokatastasis, Immanuel, Jesus, Joshua, Kinosis, Logos, Messiah, Morphe, Nature of God, Pros ton theon, Son as revelator, Testimony, Toward God, Trinity, With God, Witness, Word, Yeshuah
Father-Son Relationship (Part 3)
The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
Given 16-Jul-05; Sermon #729; 70 minutes
By Mr. John W. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:John Ritenbaugh reiterates that even though the Father and the Son work as one, they are distinctive Beings with separate functions. The Father is the source of all power, while the Son serves as the sole Mediator and the channel through which we interface with the Father. Through the Son (the Image, reflecting the Father's character and mind), we see the Father's power and wisdom. Jesus Christ is unique, serving as the divine link between God and man, intervening and negotiating on behalf of frail man with the full knowledge of the Father's mind and will. The ultimate goal of humanity is to know the Father and the Son, learning to live as they do. Only Christ has been composed of both divine and human natures, serving as Firstborn (having pre-eminence) of a special creation'one in which we are involved due to our calling. Hebrews 1-9 define His uniqueness as the Mediator (High Priest) between God and man, exalted over the angels, but nevertheless submissive to the Father.
Topics:Abundant life Angelic beings Angels Character Christ the mediator Christ as the Son of God Creator Daughters of Jerusalem Demon's testimony Elohim Emmanuel Equality with God Father Firstborn of every creature Genealogy of Christ God of the Old Testament God-kind God with us God of Creation God Humility Image of the Invisible God Immanuel Image Inscrutability of the Father Israel of God Jesus Christ Knowledge of God Logos Light (of the world) Melchizedek Negotiator Only begotten Son Pre-eminence Primacy Prostontheon Satan Pre-existence of God Reconciliation Sacrificing humility Son of God Son of the Living God Son of man Son Submissiveness of Christ Superiority of Christ over the angels Spiritual pre-existence Testimony of demons Uniqueness of Jesus Christ Yahweh
Father-Son Relationship (Part 4)
Christ's Submission to the Father
Given 13-Aug-05; Sermon #733; 42 minutes
By Mr. John W. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:Continuing the Father-Son Relationship series, John Ritenbaugh asserts that Jesus Christ, after He was resurrected referred to His Father as "my God," indicating that the Father and the Son do not share equality, pre-eminence, or superiority. In other words, the Son, although sharing the Divine Nature of the Deity,is not a part of the Godhead. They are equal in kind, but one is clearly subordinate to the other. Christ was sent to do the Father's will, to testify of the Father and to die for our sins. The Son submitted totally to the Father's will, leaving an example for us to be a total living sacrifice to the Father. The Trinitarian term Godhead should have been translated Deity (or Divine Nature) in Colossians 2:9-or the Complement of the Father. Jesus Christ has unequivocably distinguished Himself from the Absolute Deity- His Father.
Topics:Adar, Christ's begettal, Church, Deity, Deuteronomy, Di-theism, Divine Nature, Do you see God?, Father, Godhead, Kadesh Barnea, Lines of responsibility, Nineteen, Numerology, Sacrifice, Trinity doctrine, Victory
Father-Son Relationship (Part 5)
Christ's Submission to the Father, Cont'd
Given 27-Aug-05; Sermon #735; 75 minutes
By Mr. John W. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:John Ritenbaugh, in this fifth installment of the Father-Son Relationship series, reiterates that although Jesus Christ is not the Absolute Deity, He is nevertheless the complement of the Father. Christ clearly distinguished Himself from the Father when He said, "The Father is greater than I," "The Father sent me," and "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." Both John the Baptist and Jesus were called "divine," but Jesus Christ had a pre-existence as the God of the Old Testament sent by the Invisible God. As Jesus deferred everything to the Father, we must also do likewise through Jesus Christ by emulating His life and behavior. Both Jesus Christ and the Father are unique in the Universe; the One to whom Jesus deferred is the source of everything and is accountable to no superior, while Christ has the Father over Him.
Topics:Absolute Audible Calling Complement of the Deity Complement Counterpart Deferment to the Father Divine Divine Nature Godhead Harmonization Hierarchy Image Image of the Father Immanuel Inaudible Invisible John the Baptist Lesser yields to the greater Mediator Pre-existence Purpose Relationship Right hand of God Secrets of Success in God's calling Sovereignty Subordinate Superiority of Christ Will of God Yielding
Father-Son Relationship (Part 6)
Strength for Submitting
Given 17-Sep-05; Sermon #738; 67 minutes
By Mr. John W. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:John Ritenbaugh asserts that the Father and the Son are two distinct beings, not co-equal as the trinity doctrine proclaims, but having a superior-subordinate relationship, with the Son deferring to the Father in all things. Likewise, we will be in the same God Family, but in subordinate positions to the Father and the Son. The Son provides the blueprint for us, aggressively submitting to the will of the Father, using the Holy Spirit to bring every thought into captivity. Sometimes we may do right and not receive smooth-going, as demonstrated by the harrowing experiences of the apostles. In imitating Christ, we have to learn to endure hardness, battling a life-and-death struggle with our carnal minds, totally submitting to God by walking perpetually in the Spirit, being transformed from carnal nature to the glorious character and image of God. Our submission to the Father and Christ will never end, just as Christ's submission to the Father will never end.
Topics:Absolute Deity Abusive critical judging Access to God Carnal mind Christ's sacrifice Cosmos Death Discipline Enduring hardness Example Father-Son relationship Faith Fear Feud First Fruits Hedonaea Human nature Humility Inferior Kosmos Last enemy Law of sin Oneness Persecution Poor in spirit Sacrifice Satan Stress Strife Struggling against human nature Submitting our will to God Suffering for righteousness Vengeance War Warfare
Father-Son Relationship (Part 7)
The Lord Is The Spirit
Given 10-Dec-05; Sermon #750; 75 minutes
By Mr. John W. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:In this seventh installment of the Father-Son Relationship series, discussing the Holy Spirit and the Trinity, John Ritenbaugh reiterates that the Holy Spirit is never venerated as a separate being (Revelation 22:1-3, John 10:30, John 17:3). Spirit (ruach-Hebrew or pneuma-Greek), something never seen, is manifested or personified in many diverse ways such as truth, adoption, anger, courage, grace, faith, (states of mind or emotion, character, or personality) etc. In every instance it is preceded by the words "spirit of." Spirit applies to an invisible force or power within man or beast or angelic being making them unique. Our hope of glory is the "indwelling of Christ" and is used interchangeably with "Spirit of God" and "Spirit of Truth." Jesus promised a spirit of power from on high made available for His disciples (as diverse spiritual gifts) to witness of Him. The Holy Spirit, as a force or power dwelling in us, enables us to keep God's law and to receive our new nature. Pneuma and ruach represent that invisible power applied in many diverse ways manifesting in us the power of God making it possible to have an intimate family relationship with God the Father and our Elder Brother Jesus Christ, perfectly unified in purpose and composition, analogous to the relationship of husband and wife—at one in a family relationship. Ruach Ha Kodesh or Pneuma Hagion (Christ in us) provides the metaphoric glue to make this cleavage possible - making our God-family relationship manifest.
Topics:Abba, Father, Abandon the flesh, Action, Advocate, Animal spirit, Another comforter, Beast, Begettal, Born again, Bullinger, Character, Cleave (stick to), Comforter, Courage, Electricity, Faith, Fluttering, Force, God is Spirit, Helper, Holy Spirit, Hope, Hypostasis, Indwelling of spirit, Intercession of spirit, Invisible force, Invisible power, Jesus in you, the hope of glory, Knowledge, Living word of God, Oneness issue, Paraclete, Pneuma, Power, Qualities, Relationship with God, Ruach, Saul, Spirit, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of man, Spirit of truth, Spirit that proceeds from Christ, Spiritual gifts, Temperament, Tongues (languages), Trinity, Understanding, Word of God, Word of wisdom, Worship in spirit and truth