"Is The United States A Christian Nation? (Part 4)"
Living as Christians in the World
Given 24-Jan-09; Sermon #920; 72 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
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Description: John Ritenbaugh, citing a poem by Bob Dylan who mocks the notion that God is on the side of the United Stated no matter what causes or behaviors the country embraces, asks whether America is indeed a Christian nation. Of the multiple denominations who take Christ's name, hardly any follow the way of life prescribed by Christ. Even though the founding fathers were insightful and moral men, they did not follow the teachings of Christ. God divorced ancient Israel; modern Israel is still estranged from God. In the future, a remnant of modern Israel and Judah will ratify a new covenant with God. The distinctive set of beliefs known as "The Way" was given once and needed no adjustments to make them compatible with the world's cultures or governments. The government of God does not come by force, but results from voluntary submission to God, imitating Christ, allowing us to become sanctified and our natures changed from carnal to spiritual, becoming, in essence, a holy "other worldly" nation. We need to use the power of God's Holy Spirit enabling us to conform to Christ and His Truth regardless of the overwhelming pressures of the world (and the demonic spiritual underpinnings of an anti-Christ) to do the opposite. In evaluating the dubious fruits of a false minister, we must realize that belief and conduct are inextricably linked and the linkage must be with God's Word. A miracle or a 'fulfilled prophecy' does not indicate the veracity of a prophet unless they also are inextricably linked to God's Word and God's Holy Law.
Topics: Anti-Christ Belief and conduct linked Bob Dylan Certificate of divorce Deception Enmity of carnal nature Evangelical groups Founding Fathers French Revolution Governments Human nature Idolatry Man of sin Not of this world Other worldly Relativism Relativistic message Sincerity Spirit of anti-Christ Spiritual nature Test the spirits Tolerant age Usurpers Way of the sword.
Living as Christians in the World
Given 24-Jan-09; Sermon #920; 72 minutes
By Mr.John W. Ritenbaugh
Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description: John Ritenbaugh, citing a poem by Bob Dylan who mocks the notion that God is on the side of the United Stated no matter what causes or behaviors the country embraces, asks whether America is indeed a Christian nation. Of the multiple denominations who take Christ's name, hardly any follow the way of life prescribed by Christ. Even though the founding fathers were insightful and moral men, they did not follow the teachings of Christ. God divorced ancient Israel; modern Israel is still estranged from God. In the future, a remnant of modern Israel and Judah will ratify a new covenant with God. The distinctive set of beliefs known as "The Way" was given once and needed no adjustments to make them compatible with the world's cultures or governments. The government of God does not come by force, but results from voluntary submission to God, imitating Christ, allowing us to become sanctified and our natures changed from carnal to spiritual, becoming, in essence, a holy "other worldly" nation. We need to use the power of God's Holy Spirit enabling us to conform to Christ and His Truth regardless of the overwhelming pressures of the world (and the demonic spiritual underpinnings of an anti-Christ) to do the opposite. In evaluating the dubious fruits of a false minister, we must realize that belief and conduct are inextricably linked and the linkage must be with God's Word. A miracle or a 'fulfilled prophecy' does not indicate the veracity of a prophet unless they also are inextricably linked to God's Word and God's Holy Law.
Topics: Anti-Christ Belief and conduct linked Bob Dylan Certificate of divorce Deception Enmity of carnal nature Evangelical groups Founding Fathers French Revolution Governments Human nature Idolatry Man of sin Not of this world Other worldly Relativism Relativistic message Sincerity Spirit of anti-Christ Spiritual nature Test the spirits Tolerant age Usurpers Way of the sword.