Man's Greatest Challenge (Part 3)
The Gift of the Ministry
Given 03-Dec-05; Sermon #749; 74 minutes
By Mr. Richard T. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:Richard Ritenbaugh asks if we have the resources to reject Satan's counterfeit for God's truth. Paul assures us that by having Christ's mind, we have the capacity to discern truth from error. God's faithful ministry is a tool to help us become discerning. God gives spiritual gifts for the purpose of edifying one another. The ministry is a blessing from Christ for the purpose of edifying and equipping members for of overcoming sin and preparing to serve in God's Kingdom. We come out of the world as diamonds in the rough to be transformed into the unity of the faith and belief, emerging from academic theory into practice and experience. Our mutual goal is to become more like Christ. The minister's main task should consist of exhorting on spiritual matters rather than worldly ones, rejecting the profane or silly in favor of the spiritual and the eternal, teaching the flock, feeding them by example and word, bearing good fruit—no easy thing!
Topics:Academic, Agape love, Apostles, Michael Crichton, Crisis, Decisions, Disinformation age, Doctrine, Envoy, Evangelist, Experiential knowledge, Fantasy, Favor, Feed my lambs, Feed my sheep, Flock, tending, Gift, Good news, Helpers of your joy, Hiding talents in the ground, Instructors, Ministry, Old falsehood repackaged, Pastor, Peter, Propaganda, Prophet, Providence, Reality, Speaking truth in love, Servants, Spiritual maturity, Spiritual gifts, Storm troopers of the church, Schutzstafflung, Teachers, Tend my sheep, Truth, YOU Calendar, Youth or inexperience, Weak of the world, Wolves, Works