Man's Greatest Challenge (Part 2)
Confidence in God's Word
Given 12-Nov-05; Sermon #746; 78 minutes
By Mr. Richard T. Ritenbaugh Click Here to Listen/Download MP3
Description:Richard Ritenbaugh reflects that, with the deliberate disinformation explosion in the information age, it is getting harder to distinguish truth from error. Scientific truth is established on rigor and testing. In matters of theology, only God's revealed Word is a reliable indicator of truth (John 17:17), expressing His will and defining His nature. Many people have difficulty accepting internal biblical evidence attesting to the Bible's authority. When properly investigated, there are no contradictions or errors in Holy Scripture. Because the Yahweh of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New, there are no contradictions or inconsistencies between the Old and New Covenants. Answered prayer, with the conditions of praying according to His will and keeping His law, living our lives to please Him, proves the existence of God and strengthens a person's faith. All the proofs of the Bible hinge on the nature of God.
Topics:Absolutes Angels Asking according to His will Airplanes and helicopters Alleged contradictions in the Bible Answered prayer Arthur Murray Bible Buckwheat Child rearing Crichton, Michael Contradictions in the Bible Crucifixion Disinformation Bob Hope Eternal life is knowing God Eye witness testimony Fifth gospel Evidence Fulfilled prophecies Galvanizing our faith God watches over His people God's editorial process God's intervention God's mercy God's promises God's sovereignty Inerrancy of the Bible Immanuel Information age Internal testimony James John the Baptist John's prophecies Josh Mc Dowell Lutheenai Mealy bugs Miscommunication Minutia Miracles Mosquitoes Maria Osmond Patti Page Post modernism Prophecies of Christ's Crucifixion Prophecies of Messiah Prophetic details Purified word of God Propaganda Proving God's will Rationalism Reality Revelation Shade the truth Signs Translations of the Bible Road less traveled Satellites Scripture cannot be broken Sovereignty of God Sydney Television Tithing Tyre Trusting the Bible Two witnesses Word of God